PKI Training - Cryptography Day 2
Certificate Path Validation:
This is performed for all the identities of the chain. It commonly checks for the following things:
- build & validate the certificate chain from the user certificate upto the trusted root.
- Check for intended purpose
- Check for expiry or “not yet valid”
- Check for revoked certificate
Certificate Life Cycle
Following are the
- Register
- Issue
- Distribute/Store
- Use (Sign/Encrypt)
- Expire/Revoke
- Renew/Rekey
Q: Can ECAC issue an Accreditation Certificate for the usage of Signing process? Ans:
Q: Difference between Re-key and Re-new of a Certificate? A: Re-newal of a certificate mean that the same key is used for issuance of a new certificate.
PKI Trust Model
- Single CA PKI:
- Contains single CA, having the role of root CA and issuing CA.
- All users of PKI place their trust on this CA.
- It is not a scalable architecture.
- Usually used within a small organization.
- Hierarchical PKI:
- Hierarchical architecture is constructed with subordinate CA relationship.
- Ideal within organization where multiple CAs
- Users trust single root CA
- Subordinate CAs may issue certificates to users or other CAs
- Trust relationship is specified in only one way architecture.
- Mesh/Bridge or Peer-to-Peer PKI: *
Within a certificate an entry is as following:
Basic Constraint Path Length Constraint = None
None means that their is no constraint, but if a numeric value is placed here, the hierarchical levels can’t be created after that. This may be used to restrict sub-CAs accreditation process.
Managed certificates
In any browser/OS has a certificates repository which can be viewed to understand/visualize the trusted root repository.
PKI Development
All the following libraries are high level libraries and available for PKI development. Normally, business use-cases are generated by the developer and use these following libraries for the Crypto Functions:
- OpenSSL:
- As a library
- CLI Based
- BouncyCastle:
- Java and .Net variants available
- IAIK from TU Graz
- This has more features from the development perspective.
- Strong support & strong documentation
- Commercial purpose require purchase of the library
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