PKI Training - Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
Following is a list of Services employed via ITIL:
- Incident Management:
- Event Management:
- Change/Release Management:
- Asset Management:
- Configuration Management:
- Problem Management:
- Knowledge Management:
- End Point Protection
- Knowledgebase: Knowledge articles are created to avoid such issues in the future.
Q: Why are we employing ITIL and not some other process (i.e. COBIT)? A: Deployment is not an actual/certifiable ITIL deployment, but to establish a formal minimal deployment of all relevant management and services.
Incident Management
Steps in Incident Management:
- Investigation and Diagnosis:
- Resolution and Recovery:
- Incident Closure:
Change and Release Management:
Steps in Change Management:
- Change Planning:
- Change Approval: Main role is of Change Analyst and Change Manager.
- Change Implementation:
- Change Closure:
Sometime the Change can cause an incident. Which needs to be resolved in a timely manner.
Sometime the change is not successfull, and may need to be rolled back to its original version.
Sometime the servers’ configuartions are locked and unauthorized change is investigated and
Types of Change:
- Standard Change:
- Normal Change: Normal Scheduled change.
- Emergency Change: Parallel approval is performed from all stakeholders.
Release Management:
Infrastructure Monitoring:
An incident can be created by the deployed infrastructure instead of the Human Interaction.
There is difference between Help-desk analyst (Customer Facing team also known as Level-1) and operation analyst (Level-2).
- CPU, Memory, Storage utilizations:
Use-cases: Troubleshoot performance issues:
IT Asset Managmenet:
To make sure that the valuable items, tangible and intangible in your organization are tracked and being used:
- IT Asset Inventory:
- IT Asset Operations:
- IT Asset Maintenance:
- IT Asset Movement and Return:
- IT Asset Disposal:
Log Aggregation:
Management Pack in Microsoft System Center Operations Manger (SCOM) has the responsibility to aggregate and assess the logs of a system.
User Management:
Lists of deployed Softwares:
- System Center Operations Manager:
- System Center Configuration Manager:
- System Center Service Manager:
- System Center Data Protection Manager
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